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After laying in bed all day on Christmas feeling sorry for myself and depressed and hopeless I layed their  and realized how do I conquer this . What were my dreams before I knew I wanted to marry this person? What were my dreams before I lost this person? I can’t let this stop my journey. I know if I set aside my emotions I want to live in San Diego. I know I want to live in San Diego. I know I must live by the ocean. I know I love my job and want to move up into corporate. I know I need to finish my book. These are immediate goals. Then there is my fitness goal. I’m so close . My goal to 123-125 pounds . 2019 I’m going to kill it . To do this I’ve gone from flexible lo carb dieting to clean Keto dieting so super clean no cheating no carbs . I’ve also thrown in intermittent fasting from 8am to 4pm I eat and fast 18 hours . Plus gym time and running . I think this will throw me close to my goal within 4 weeks . I’ll do a progress picture and weigh in - in 2 weeks. If I hit this goal it will be the lowest weight I’ve been since my senior year in high school so this is big for me.

This journey is huge for me because being in a relationship where is was emotionally abusive and toxic where my ex always made me feel not pretty not enough. I let that shake my core . In places where it shouldn’t have. It made me realize I needed healing, in self healing self love this fitness journey has taught me to find strength and value in myself. When my ex came back and treated me the same way like I didn’t matter I knew this time I was enough . I learned self love . It’s not about how much you weigh per say it’s about knowing your worth . And what God says about who Amy is and anyone who diresprcts me and does not have Gods love is of Satan and I need to walk away .

Someone with God has and loves with Gods character. So love yourself with Gods love. After Christmas Day and my realizations I put in a transfer for a store in the San Diego area I mean carpe diem on my dreams. I have to live for today not tomorrow !!!!

I promise you 2019 will be a big year. I want to be a better person in Christ. Hit my goals. And be an example and through all the destruction and heart ache I asked God this morning to build a new home in me .



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