Dear God.
I don’t know how to begin to thank you for leading me out of the darkness and despair I was in I was broken in places I thought you couldn’t even reach. I thought the pain I bore was to deep to heal or escape and what others had done could never be erased. I thought joy was a fairy tale you read in books or fake people in churches. But I learned seeking and trusting you those people aren’t fake at all they just knew how to let go and let God. You see God I held on to baggage tight because I thought I needed it even though it caused me to sink. But you Lord taught me to place it in your hands and you would work it for good for me. This was the hardest part of all. But in the darkest hours you taught me a blind man can see. I followed the light of faith and now I have direction!
I know now my value in Christ and my identity. When people try to lie or take advantage of me I know to trust you and walk away . I also know to get rid of anything that is not of you and cling on only to what is good . Because the poison of Satan is deadly and now you have taught me how to guard my heart . I also know no man will ever get my love who does not love God first.
I will wait as long as it takes until God brings that person into my life. Thank you God for my salvation and speaking to me every day and following through on every single word you say.
Thank you that even now through difficult times I can write this and know joy because you have a purpose for my future . I’m no longer blind but now I see. I see who I am in you and I see the God you are who saved me from death hundreds of times. God I pray for my family my kids that they know you like I do . And I pray for anyone who is reading this who needs God all you have to do is pray and ask God into your life. He saved me he will save you. Thank you God for my heart and thank you for my strength. You are my light you guide my path.
I don’t know how to begin to thank you for leading me out of the darkness and despair I was in I was broken in places I thought you couldn’t even reach. I thought the pain I bore was to deep to heal or escape and what others had done could never be erased. I thought joy was a fairy tale you read in books or fake people in churches. But I learned seeking and trusting you those people aren’t fake at all they just knew how to let go and let God. You see God I held on to baggage tight because I thought I needed it even though it caused me to sink. But you Lord taught me to place it in your hands and you would work it for good for me. This was the hardest part of all. But in the darkest hours you taught me a blind man can see. I followed the light of faith and now I have direction!
I know now my value in Christ and my identity. When people try to lie or take advantage of me I know to trust you and walk away . I also know to get rid of anything that is not of you and cling on only to what is good . Because the poison of Satan is deadly and now you have taught me how to guard my heart . I also know no man will ever get my love who does not love God first.
I will wait as long as it takes until God brings that person into my life. Thank you God for my salvation and speaking to me every day and following through on every single word you say.
Thank you that even now through difficult times I can write this and know joy because you have a purpose for my future . I’m no longer blind but now I see. I see who I am in you and I see the God you are who saved me from death hundreds of times. God I pray for my family my kids that they know you like I do . And I pray for anyone who is reading this who needs God all you have to do is pray and ask God into your life. He saved me he will save you. Thank you God for my heart and thank you for my strength. You are my light you guide my path.
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